Why SEO is important for Website

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Search Engine Optimization is the set of practices and processes aimed to optimize the website’s visibility in search engines like Google, to get more organic traffic on the website. SEO practices improve and rank your website in search engines and other social media platforms to engage more audience to your website and brand visibility to fulfill customers’ needs. Codsmine is a software company that provides various types of SEO services. Codsmine has a team of professionals who follow systematic approaches to ensure all our online marketing efforts provide profitable results. They build relationships with clients based on authenticity, trust, and honesty. codsmine’s SEO and digital marketing professionals craft solutions and use data-driven strategies to enhance your online presence, boost conversion rate, and get organic traffic.

Types Of SEO

There are two forms of SEO: Organic SEO and Paid SEO. while paid advertising runs more traffic for websites, organic search results and organic SEO cover a wide digital area, appear as more solid and reliable, and get more clicks in search engines. Codsmine has a team of professionals who follow systematic approaches to ensure all our online marketing efforts provide profitable results. The search engines rank your website in the first 10 result pages(SERPs) of people’s queries, based on solid and unique content, effective keywords, and the reliability of the website. It is the permanent source of organic traffic on the website.

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Google users enter billions of queries to get information and services to satisfy their needs, every day. No doubt, Google is the widest and biggest source generating organic traffic for websites. Codsmine Software Company ranks your website through its unique strategies and helps your brand attract more leads, and users and generate revenue. The ranking position of your website and customers’s quantity are correlated. To get ultimate goals, increase your brand visibility, and engage more audience for your business, need to rank the website in search engines’ top search results through SEO.

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The correlation is, that a higher rank in search engines means more audiences visit your website, is determines the importance of SEO in the website. Google ranks website content based on this process:


Google uses computer programs to crawl and keep an eye on new and updated pages of websites.


Google analyzes each new page, finds the best and valid content, and stores information in Google Index, for search results.

Serve results:

When a user searches queries, Google determines the most relevant and best content and ranks them in search engine result pages (SERPs).

The No.1 search result page get likely 10X more clicks as compared to the No.10 result page. So it’s up to you where you want to lay. Search engine optimization (SEO) plays an important role in ranking the position of your websites and improving your brands’ visibility. Codsmine helps you to get a better position in search engines which means more traffic and more organic traffic means more business and brand awareness.

1. Trust Worthiness

Truth worthiness is a primary goal of SEO and means that your website is high quality, trustworthy, and relevant something you offer. Search engine optimization makes your business more trusted and reliable. Organic SEO generates organic traffic for your website through search engine result pages, without any type of advertising. People click more on high-ranked pages in search engines, so Codsmine’s marketing exports ranking your website in search engines. people are aware more about your brand as a trusted business and consider this business to satisfy their queries.

2. Brand’s Visibility

One of the most important functions of SEO is to increase a brand’s visibility, which is to make it easier for potential customers to find you when they search for the services you offer. Appeared in top search engine result pages making possible more clicks on your brand, this has a consequence results in business awareness. Appears top in searches makes your brand credible for people and so they consider your services. Codsmine’s SEO experts optimize your brand awareness in the widest digital world to enhance your business.

3. Website Traffic

As we know about SEO in detail, it is the highest source of organic traffic for your websites. Search engine optimization vital role in website traffic, as it ranks website pages. SEO gives you the potential to obtain more traffic on your website because there is a clear relation between website ranking and click rates. Codsmine digital marketing and SEO experts craft tailored solutions, and data-driven strategies that enhance your business’s online presence, get targeted traffic, boost conversion rate and turn leads into lasting customers. So, if you want more users to find your website through a search engine, and look for an agency to support you in SEO, Marketing, and Content then you need to in touch with Codsmine and use its SEO practices that will help you rank in SERPs.

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